Your double chin gives you a complex? Do you wish to diminish it or make it disappear?
Treatment of a double chin is available to-day thanks to aesthetic medicine.
Often of genetic or morphological origin, this unsightliness can also be caused by overweight, worsened by skin slacking, significant weight loss, your posture or even several factors combined.
If you do not want to resort to the use of a scalpel, know that there are now several non-invasive techniques to restore a drooping cervico mandibular angle, to redefine the oval of your face, redraw a weak chin or treat excess fat at chin level. Each technique is more or less effective according to the origin of your problem.
What has caused your double chin?
Generally speaking, a double chin is caused by an accumulation of fat under the chin, which deforms the oval of your face making it look heavier or prematurely ageing it. A double chin is often seen in elderly people, babies or the obese; but not only.
Indeed, these fatty clusters under the chin often appear after the age of 30 and are more often linked to weight gain or overweight, hormonal disorder (requiring medical treatment) or tone loss due to skin ageing. However it may also be of genetic or morphological origin: jaw shape, position of the glottis or hyoid bone, weak chin or too short neck, posture leaning too far backwards, inclination of the head….
It may also be that your double chin stems from multiple factors (skin + fat) and be caused by a combination of the above-mentioned. This is why its treatment can sometimes be complex.
How to know if I have a double chin?
A “classic” double chin is easily observed sideways-on when you are standing straight looking into the distance. You will note a sort of bulge(or lump) situated between chin and neck, which may be small or touchable and which lends heaviness to your face. This prominence indicates the presence of localised fat.
This mass, also called adipose tissue, is made up of adipocytes (fatty cells), responsible for stocking fat.
It is also possible to observe what would appear to be a double chin when you bend your head forward bringing your chin close to your décolletage. In fact, this is a “positional” double chin, which only appears according to your posture and inclination of the head.
All women, including slim women, may have this “phony” double chin following the anterior flexion of their neck.
During a primary consultation, your aesthetic doctor or surgeon will identify the origin and cause of your double chin in order to advise the right aesthetics treatment.
How do I lose my double chin?
When your double chin is simply due to a passing period of overweight and a few surplus kilos, I will suggest you start with a diet (limiting refined sugars, salt, alcohol…).
In fact, food rebalancing and regular physical exercise are perfect ways of eliminating fat stored in this zone and thus eliminate your double chin. The neck is one of the first areas to suffer from weight gain.
Double chins caused by heavy overweightness or genetic or morphological predisposition.:
In these cases, firstly it is necessary to eliminate the surplus fatty volume; altering your dietary habits or physical exercise routines will not be sufficient.
It will be necessary to undergo lipodestruction (liposuction without suction, performed using a cannula ) or cryolipolysis (cold temperature destroys the adipocytes) which require no incisions and are scar-free.
It is also possible to undergo liposuction (or lipoaspiration), the surgical solution.
These interventions destock the fatty mass, which gave you a complex, and destroys it.
Almost always this type of aesthetic act is enough.
However, in certain cases, it is better to also undergo a medical or surgical lift. This will treat the loose skin – result of the removal of the fat – and redefine the contours of your face in order to regain a clear cervicomental angle.
Double chins caused or exacerbated by skin ageing:
Overweight and genetics are not the only causes of a double chin. The phenomenon may also be due to your age.
Constant contraction of the face’s oval related muscles loosens the skin and encourages ptosis (falling) of the adipose tissue situated in this area. In fact, part of the slacking in the area beneath the chin is due to cheekbone or cheek fat falling towards the neck. A lift will therefore reposition the fatty volumes to their original site or to that which is desired.
Just as effective as a surgical lift, a permanent suspension thread lift leaves no scarring and considerably reduces post-operative care.
“Positional” double chins:
Finally, if you only notice a double chin when you bend your head forwards, then permanent suspension threads are the non-invasive answer; they will redefine your cervicomental angle, the oval and contours of your face.
Be aware also that there are complementary treatments based on Botulinic toxin and hyaluronic acid to help you live better with the lower third of your face: intra-mandibular injections, reduction of the chin muscle contracture, correction of a slightly weak chin, study of the jaw and dentition, etc….
These non-invasive interventions should be chosen in conjunction with one of the afore-mentioned solutions, according to what caused your double chin.
The non-surgical double chin lift is available at my Nice practice.
Do not hesitate to call us on 0033. or make an appointment for a primary consultation.
How to regain a well-defined chin thanks to permanent suspension threads?
Permanent suspension threads tighten your neck skin and emphasise your mandibular line. Simply by hooking a cogged thread (also called suspension thread) on either side of your jaw on to the fatty tissues localised beneath your chin and pulling it, these will be positioned in a backwards position. This aesthetic medical technique corrects a double chin by directly impacting the sagging conjunctive tissue and the displacement of the sub-cutaneous fatty mass.
This aesthetic intervention, which lasts just 1½hours under local anaesthetic, eliminates an unsightly double chin without surgery, painlessly, with no scarring or social downtime. This medical treatment will complement a lipolysis when it proves necessary to remove fatty cells.
The point of entry for the permanent suspension threads is in front or behind the ears, according to the desired effect, then pass along your mandibular line hooking on to the dermis to underline your face’s oval to meet under your chin in the centre of your neck, where they cross one another to flatten this localised fat and ensure durability of the result.
The result can be observed immediately after the intervention: the adipose tissues beneath the chin have been repositioned and supported thanks to the permanent suspension threads’ action. Total eclipse of your double chin will be seen just a few days later when the anaesthetic-induced oedema has disappeared. The result may be considered definitive approximately one month later, when any swelling has disappeared.

A medical permanent suspension thread chin and neck lift ensures that your cervicomental angle is restored and supported to protect against any future slacking of the skin in the area. This non-invasive act permits restructuring of the lower part of your face by underlining, accentuating and highlighting the angle formed by the chin and neck.
For total harmonisation and global coherence of the zone, I might suggest associating the act with medical treatment to the cheeks and jowls. Insertion of permanent suspension threads following a vertical vector (from the lower face to above the ears) and a horizontal vector (from beneath the ears to the tip of the chin) corrects all this area of the face and homogenises the result for a natural look. It is also possible to correct sagging and ageing skin in other parts of your face (oval, nasolabial grooves, marionette lines, cheekbones) at the same time.
Following this/these treatment(s), you will no longer be obliged to raise your head or stretch your neck to hide a double chin you dislike.
Be mindful that an in-depth prior diagnosis is absolutely necessary to obtain the best possible results.
I hope to see you soon,
Doctor Jean-Paul Foumentèze – Aesthetic Doctor in Nice